Uses of Class

Packages that use CacheException
rabbit.cache A persistant storage suitable for http resources. 

Uses of CacheException in rabbit.cache

Methods in rabbit.cache that throw CacheException
 void Cache.addEntry(CacheEntry<K,V> ent)
          Insert a CacheEntry into the cache.
 void NCache.addEntry(CacheEntry<K,V> ent)
          Insert a CacheEntry into the cache.
 void Cache.clear()
          Clear the Cache from files.
 void NCache.clear()
          Clear the Cache from files.
 void Cache.entryChanged(CacheEntry<K,V> ent, K newKey, V newValue)
          Signal that a cache entry have changed.
 void NCache.entryChanged(CacheEntry<K,V> ent, K newKey, V newHook)
          Signal that a cache entry have changed.
 V CacheEntry.getDataHook(Cache<K,V> cache)
          Get the hooked data.
 CacheEntry<K,V> Cache.getEntry(K k)
          Get the CacheEntry assosiated with given object.
 CacheEntry<K,V> NCache.getEntry(K k)
          Get the CacheEntry assosiated with given object.
 K CacheEntry.getKey()
          Get the key were holding data for
 void Cache.remove(K k)
          Remove the Entry with key o from the cache.
 void NCache.remove(K k)
          Remove the Entry with key k from the cache.